Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Religion of Meeting You

religion | noun | re li gion | \ri `li-jen\ |
an interest, belief, or activity that is very important to a person or group

The Religion of Meeting You

No longer will I limit myself to _______ religion,
to tangible operators like interests, beliefs, or action.
I no longer choose one day a week to gather for hymns and
readings that affirm me and like-minded, like acting congregants.

No more creeds, principles, by-laws, or mission and vision
statements.  No more trying to brand or promote the Truth.
No more bring a friend Sunday, or spreading the good news.
No more sacred texts, holy covenants, or zombie ressurections.

Today my religion becomes the religion of meeting you.
We meet where we find one another, as helper or helped.
I am allowed to meet you where you are, in my religion.  I do
not have to inform you on what we agree or disagree.

I do not have to invite you to label yourself as I label myself -
progressive, liberal, socialist, survivor, environmentalist,
depressive, poser, liar, truth teller, pilgrim, healer, teacher,
feminist of the second or third wave, depending.

Now, let me stand beside you so I may know that you are real.
Then, tell me what you need and I will not judge.
                                                                                             ~ Lori Allen

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