Friday, March 27, 2020

Isolation Haiku

If not for this damn
isolation, I'd visit
all your special haunts.

First to the park where
we fed the birds for two years
before you couldn't.

Next, to Unistar.
I'd tell stories to grandkids
as they fall asleep.

Then, I'd invite your
family to dinner and
cook something healthy.

I'd walk to the end
of your block, turn, imagine
my hand on your back.

Now,  I isolate
with your daughters in my home,
trying to ignore

the hole in our lives.
Mermaid tubs, Laura Ingalls
Wilder, foot rubs,

melatonin, and
hugs can never fill the space
your life occupied.

You are twenty days
gone, twenty night's visiting
in my dreams. My dreams.

Because of this damn
isolation, I visit
all your special haunts

with you every night
in my dreams, with you in my
dreams. Sweet peace. Sweet peace.